Not Just for Kids

 Vol. 10, No. 1
January 3 - 9, 2002 
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New Year’s Customs
by Martha Blume

Why do Americans make lots of noise, throw confetti, ring bells and shout at midnight on New Year’s Eve? These customs come from ancient practices of driving away evil spirits with the old year.

Way back in 46bc, Roman Emperor Julius Caesar established the calendar we still use today. He named the first month January after Janus, the Roman god of the sun and of new beginnings. Janus had two heads, one for looking back and one for looking forward. In many countries, the new year is a time for banishing the old year and looking ahead to new possibilities.

Use the clues below to unscramble words that will complete each New Year’s message about customs around the world. One letter of each word has been provided to give you a hint.

  • In Japan everyone (1) at midnight for good luck in the New Year.
  • In New York, people gather round Times (2) to watch a giant ball drop.
  • Italians toss (3) and dishes out the window for good luck.
  • People in British Columbia, Canada, jump into frigid waters for the (4) bear swim.
  • Robert Burns, a famous Scottish poet, penned the words to Auld Lang (5), which has become a traditional New Year’s song in Scotland and the United States.

  • In Greece, people bake St. Basil’s Bread with small (6) baked inside for children.
  • In Austria, it is bad luck to eat (7) on New Year’s because it moves backwards.
  • Little dolls made of (8) are hung in doorways for good luck in Bolivia.
  • In Rome, people eat dates and figs soaked in sweet (9) for a year.
  • Children in the Philippines jump up and down 10 times when the clock strikes (10) to make them grow taller in the New Year.

  • In Romania, the (11) talk on New Year’s Day, but it is back luck if you hear them.
  • In Spain, if you eat (12) on New Year’s Day you will have money the whole year.
1. U A G SL __ __ __ __ H __
2. Q R U E S __ __ __ A __ __
3. T O S P __ __ __
4. R L O A P __ __ __ __
5. N E S __ Y __ __
6. R T I T E K S __ __ __ N __ __ __ __
7. B S L O R T __ __ __ __ __ E __
8. R A S T __ __ __ __ W
9. O N H E __ __ __ __ Y
10. W V L T E __ __ E __ __ __
11. N M I L A S __ __ __ __ A __ __
12. P E G A S

__ R __ __ __ __

Finished the Puzzle? Click here for the Answer Key!

More 2001 babies!
2001 was a very good year for babies … Bay Weekly is happy to introduce two more additions to Bay Country families.

Avery Carin Galante

Born March 4, 2001

8 lbs. 1 oz.

Parents: Jimi & Christine


Tiana Alysandra Severson

Born January 10, 2001

7 lbs. 1 oz.

Parents: John & Tina

Kids Stuff

Friday, January 4
It’s not Easy Being Little
Gather ‘round for the sweet story Tell Me What It’s Like to be Big about Willa and her helpful older brother Wiloughby. 10am @ Barnes & Noble, Annapolis. Free: 410/573-1115.

Saturday, January 5
Frostbite Hike
Go on the first hike of 2002. Stroll the park’s perimeter trail to search out wintertime sights and sounds. Dress for weather. 10am @ Kinder Farm Park, Millersville. Free; rsvp: 410/222-6115.

Sunday, January 6
Snow Stories
Sheri reads stories about snow to kiddies 3-5. 2-2:30pm @ Battle Creek Cypress Swamp, Prince Frederick. Free; rsvp: 410/535-5327.

Monday, January 7
Owl Prowl
Prowl for owls w/Ranger Bob at Kinder Farm Park. Not for small children or pets. 5pm @ the Park, River Birch Pavilion, Millersville. Free; rsvp: 410/222-6115.

Tuesday, January 8
Winter Wagon Ride
Bundle up for a winter wagon ride looking for signs of winter wildlife. Bring mom or dad and a bag lunch. Hot cocoa served. Ages 3-5. 10:30am-noon @ Kings Landing Park, Prince Frederick. $3 w/discounts; rsvp: 410/535-2661.

Will it Snow?
Let’s hope for a snowflake or two during the stories Frozen Noses and Winter Waits. 10am @ Barnes & Noble, Annapolis. Free: 410/573-1115.

Copyright 2002
Bay Weekly