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Current Issue
What's Going On...

Volume 15, Issue 19 ~ May 10 - May 16, 2007

This Week's Features:

Remembering a Mother’s Voice

Long ago and far away, she sang for the sheer joy of life.

a memoir by Helena Mann-Melnitchenko

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When Mothering Matters Most

One mother’s crusade to help Anne Arundel’s youngest citizens. by Carrie Madren

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Hail, Kale!

Not only is it lovely, it’s the key ingredient in Portuguese soup. by Valerie Lester

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Redefining Homeland Security

Anne Arundel repels sprawl at four points on its borders. by Sandra Olivetti Martin

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Public Figures: Round Two

Bay Weekly follows our two weight-shedding public figures through successes and folly. by Bethany Rodgers

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Mother Managed

Thinking back on good times

It wasn’t sister Ruth but her brother Bill who asked the question that afternoon about 70 years ago to which Mother replied, And don’t go near the water!

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Let Hardy Shrubs Be

Most grow well without fertilizer or pruning

Many home gardeners fertilize their shrubs regardless of whether the plants need it. I have lived in my current home for 15 years, and have not yet applied fertilizer to my Japanese hollies, yews, crape myrtle, forsythia, photinia, mountain laurel, heavenly bamboo or viburnums.

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Protecting Your Fabricswhile Guarding Your Health

Scotchgard’s fatal flaw

Scotchgard was created by accident in a 3M laboratory a half-century ago after an experimental chemical formula spilled onto a technician’s sneaker. Remarkably, it kept the spot clean despite the rest of the canvas fabric collecting dirt over time. Scotchgard went on to become famous for its almost magical ability to protect clothes, carpets and furniture from water, dirt and stains. 3M later created variations for use in food containers, denture cleaners, floor polishes, firefighting foams and many other products.

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The Planet of Love’s Other Face

A hellish atmosphere of greenhouse gases and acid rain

The sun sets around 8:10 this week, and it isn’t another hour until dusk cedes to darkness. But by 9:00, a glimmer of light pierces the sky high in the west like a reflection from a passing jet. The light remains fixed, however, the darkening sky adding to its brilliance. And as other stars blink into view, this evening star shines all the more bright by comparison.

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Illustration: © Copyright 1925 M.C. Escher/Cordon Art-Baarn-Holland; Graphics: © Copyright 2007 Pacific Publishers. Reprinted by permission from the Tidelog graphic almanac. Bound copies of the annual Tidelog for Chesapeake Bay are $14.95 ppd. from Pacific Publishers, Box 480, Bolinas, CA 94924. Phone 415-868-2909. Weather affects tides. This information is believed to be reliable but no guarantee of accuracy is made by Bay Weekly or Pacific Publishers. The actual layout of Tidelog differs from that used in Bay Weekly. Tidelog graphics are repositioned to reflect Bay Weekly’s distribution cycle.Tides are based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and are positioned to coincide with high and low tides of Tidelog.

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The Spawning Beds Are Busting Out All Over

Nothing bites like bluegill

Big rockfish, fresh from spawning, were swarming the Bay Bridge area on their way down the Chesapeake. Recently arrived large croaker had been haunting the nighttime flats off of Matapeake, and the hickory shad and perch runs, stalled by low temperatures, were on again

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Learning to Love a Fish

The motherly keepers of Calvert Marine Museum

Ken Kaumeyer’s purchase order for 100 pair of No Nonsense pantyhose raised a red flag at the county government office, but not at the Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons, where he is the curator of Chesapeake Bay marine life. A pair of pantyhose from the local drugstore already had proved its worth for holding activated carbon to filter the museum’s aquarium water.

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Way Downstream

Eelgrass felled by global warming … Mosquitoes are among us … In the world of insect destruction, tent caterpillars are all show, no go … A Canadian company has discovered how to take nitrogen out of our water and reclaim it as fertilizer … For 41 cents, the Settlement of Jamestown … and last but not least, this week’s Creature Feature: From Western Maryland, cars — even trains — are catching up with hunters in doing bears in…

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On Target, Leopold Delivers Change

It hasn’t taken long to size up Anne Arundel County Executive John Leopold.

Yet some people are surprised at what they see.

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Letters to the Editor

We welcome your opinions and letters – with name and address. We will edit when necessary. Include your name, address and phone number for verification. Mail them to Bay Weekly, P.O. Box 358, Deale, MD 20751 • E-mail them to [email protected]. or submit your letters on line, click here

  • Driving in the Fast Lane
  • Remembering Hildreth
  • But with a Geranium
  • On Jug Bay, Leopold Did Right

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Bay Reflections

Mother The Bully Slayer

She slew him with a word, and I saved face

by Matt Makowski

With any luck, your brain has tucked your first encounter with a bully deep within the inaccessible recesses of your cerebral cortex. Oddly enough, mine remains in a user-friendly region, due in no small part to the outcome. Less important details, however, have been lost.

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